Children & burns

Children & Burns

Accidental injuries are a major health problem throughout the UK and more than 2 million children under the age of 15 experience accidents in and around the home every year. The most severe injuries are associated with heat-related accidents and falls from heights with younger children having a higher percentage of burns and scalds

Hot drinks cause most scalds to the under 5’s – a child’s skin is much more sensitive than an adults and a hot drink can scald a child 15 minutes are being made. Young children are also very vulnerable to sunburn and can also suffer burns after contact with open fires, a cooker, irons, curling tongs, matches, lighters and many other hot surfaces

Information compiled from ROSPA

If your child has a burn or a scald:

  • Cool the burn as quickly as possible with cool running water for at least 20 minutes to reduce pain, swelling and the risk of scarring
  • Be aware if cooling a large area that babies and children can develop hypothermia – keep warm
  • Carefully remove any clothing or jewellery unless it is attached to the skin
  • Cover the burn loosely with cling-film, a plastic bag or a clean, dry non-adhesive dressing
  • Do not apply creams, lotions or sprays to the burn
  • Always seek medical advice for a baby or child who has been burned